Over the last two years, I have talked with fraternity and
sorority members from all over the country about brotherhood and sisterhood.
These conversations often take on a familiar tone, as most chapters struggle
with the same issues – fraternities struggle with accountability, and
sororities struggle with cutting through the superficiality and making members
feel valued, connected and appreciated.
Inevitably, these conversations often turn to a long
discussion about recruitment – who are we recruiting, and how are we recruiting
them? How are we “selling” brotherhood and sisterhood to prospective members? I
have written previously of this concept and its importance in advancing the
cause of fraternity.
I was recently facilitating the Wooden Institute for Beta
Theta Pi, and a conversation among some of the facilitators came up about
negative campus cultures and the pressure that many “good” chapters feel to
conform to the norms around them. I’ve written about that regression to the
mean before, which you can read here. Simply, it is hard for “good” groups to
stay good for long, because eventually they conform to the pressure of being
more like the groups around them. This is true with the campus social culture, and it
is true with new member education and hazing. The conversation that night got
me thinking that it is also true with recruitment. Chapters who want to recruit
“the right way” soon feel the pressure to recruit “the wrong way,” particularly
if they feel that other chapters are gaining a competitive advantage with the “always
joiners” by showing them a good time and feeding them lots of alcohol during
the recruitment process.
During this conversation, one of the Beta staffers said “I
wish our chapters could recruit every year the way we recruit for our
expansions.” In other words, what would it look like if chapters did expansion
every year instead of participating in a campus formal recruitment process? Instead
of sorting through the always joiners, recruitment could consist of chapters going
out and setting up shop in the student union, getting referrals from faculty and
administrators, meeting a lot of maybe or never joiners, having conversations
with them, and getting the right guys to join for the right reasons.
This conversation led me to a fun thought experiment – what would it look like if we just got rid of formal recruitment and let each fraternity do recruitment in the manner they saw best?
I have a theory as to what would happen if we got rid of
formal recruitment – McCreary’s Theory of Natural Selection. For the sake of
this post, I’m only going to speculate on what would happen with IFC fraternities –
I doubt the NPC has any plans to scrap the formal recruitment process any time
soon, and certainly the membership intake process deserves a blog post of its own, so we’ll just talk about IFC fraternities for the remainder of this post.
Here are the three main postulates of McCreary’s Theory of
Natural Selection:
Postulate # 2 - Pressure and Variance Are Inversely Correlated. As far as I can tell, the formal recruitment
process is primarily designed to eliminate as much variance as possible within
a given fraternal community. This works exceptionally well with sororities –
our research on brotherhood and sisterhood is a perfect demonstration of this.
The sisterhood profiles of the sororities on a given campus all look fairly
similar – there are only small differences between the various sororities in a
given campus community. The entire statistical model behind sorority
recruitment is designed with this end in mind – no sorority can get that much
bigger than the rest. Everyone gets basically the same experience in every
house, and the sorting of women into the various houses relies more on math
than it does on culture or fit. The result is a fairly uniform experience with
only minor differences between chapters. Ask a sorority member on your campus
and she’ll tell you (if she has any objectivity at all) that she could see
herself being happy in most of the sororities on campus.
In the last 30 years, with the onset of the campus-based
fraternity/sorority advisor, many campuses have imposed a sorority-esque
style of recruitment on the IFC fraternities, and my guess is that the long-term
results of this have been disastrous (on another day we can discuss whether the
fact that 65 percent of entry-level fraternity/sorority advisors are female and are merely replicating what they know has
anything to do with this shift). We have slowly diminished the variance in our
fraternity communities, and not in a good way. The “always joiners” who buy the
stereotype are presented with no (or very few) alternatives to the stereotype
during a very brief and contrived recruitment process, and the result has been
entire fraternity communities that exist for no other reason than to provide a
social experience for members. The variance has been eliminated, which means
that the “best” fraternity on campus is often indistinguishable, or barely
distinguishable, from the worst.
I theorize that if the pressure to recruit as many members
as possible as quickly as possible were eliminated, then we would begin to see
more variance within fraternal communities. Chapters who wanted to recruit the
right people the right way would have more time and opportunity to do so, and the
chapters who wanted to recruit with alcohol could do so and face the inevitable
consequences of that decision. Fraternities could take their time, really getting
to know potential members and the reasons they seek membership. Similarly,
recruits would be under less pressure – they would have more time to evaluate
their options and choose the group that best resonated with the experience they
were seeking. The resulting fraternity community would be multi-tiered, with
roughly equal portions of “good” chapters providing a values-based experience, “mediocre”
chapters providing a hybrid values/social experience, and “bad” chapters
providing only a social experience.
Once this sorting takes place (which will take several
years), campus communities can then do a better job of recognizing and
rewarding the “good” chapters, improving and assisting the “mediocre” chapters,
and closing, reorganizing and fixing the “bad” chapters. In today’s climate,
this formula is fairly difficult to follow, either because the differences
between good and bad are often small, and/or there is a disproportionate number of bad chapters, and/or fraternity communities have become so stagnant and
under-performing that our idea of what a “good” chapter is even supposed to look
like has become terribly skewed.
Simply, we need to interject more variance into our
fraternity communities, and getting rid of formal recruitment is the best way I
know to do it.
Postulate #3 - Left To Its Own Devices, Variance Will Again Diminish Over
Time. This isn’t just me saying this – it’s a statistical law. Regression to
the mean is a natural phenomenon. So, after artificially injecting variance into
our communities through an elimination of formal recruitment, and then shifting
the “mean” of a fraternity community positively by rewarding “good” chapters,
fixing “mediocre” chapters and eliminating “bad” chapters, the chapters in a
community will once again begin shifting towards the mean. The difference would
be that the mean they are regressing towards would be a much different mean. In
a period of 5-10 years, we could drastically change what the “average”
fraternity in a given campus community looks like. And once “good” became the
new normal, the intrinsic motivation and inherent competition in these new
communities would propel many of these chapters to not only be good, but to
strive for greatness. Then, we would have a mean that is not only high, but
gradually drifting upwards, instead of the gradual downward drift that we see
now on many campuses.
I call this a “Theory of Natural Selection” because, as you
can see, only the strong will survive. Some chapters won’t make it without the
crutch of IFC “formal rush” and the pool of always joiners from which to choose. Good
riddance. Many bad chapters who choose to recruit the wrong way will need to be
closed and then re-opened. Again, good riddance. But, to use a fishing example,
when we restock our stream with recolonized groups, we will not be putting them
back into the same dirty stream from whence they came, but into a new clean
river with positive social norms and a healthy culture.
Formal recruitment is bad for business. It is an obstacle standing in the way of transforming our fraternity communities into what they can and should be. It forces fraternities to conform to unhealthy norms, resulting in the perpetuation of negative stereotypes and the gradual assimilation of every “good” chapter on our campuses to the mediocre or shitty campus norms. Formal recruitment facilitates the wrong people joining for the wrong reasons. If we want to change our cultures, we need to give our chapters every opportunity to recruit the right people seeking to join for the right reasons, reducing the pressure to conform by injecting more time into the process. Getting rid of formal recruitment is an important first step we need to take in making that happen.